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The Benefits of Rebounding (aka Trampolining)

The idea of rebounding has been around for a long time, but it gained popularity in the 1980s when NASA studied its benefits while trying to find an effective way to help astronauts recover and regain bone and muscle mass after being in space. Astronauts can lose as much as 15% of their bone and muscle mass from only 14 days at zero gravity, so NASA needed a way to help reverse this damage.

When the astronauts were tested while running on a treadmill, the G-force measured at the ankle was over twice what it was at the back and head. This means that the foot and leg absorb much of the force when running, which can explain the higher rates of foot, shin, and knee problems from running (especially running incorrectly). On a trampoline, the G-force was almost identical at the ankle, back and head and at a lower level than that of the G-force at the ankle on a treadmill. This shows that rebounding can exercise the entire body without excess pressure to the feet and legs.

How Rebounding Works

Many types of exercise are done to target specific muscles or just to increase cardiovascular function. Rebounding is unique since it uses the forces of acceleration and deceleration and can work on every cell in the body in a unique way. When you bounce on a rebounder (mini-trampoline), several actions happen:

  • An acceleration action as you bounce upward
  • A split-second weightless pause at the top
  • A deceleration at an increased G-force
  • Impact to the rebounder
  • Repeat

This action of rebounding makes use of the increased G-force from gravity-based exercises like this, and each cell in the body must respond to the acceleration and deceleration. The up and down motion is beneficial for the lymphatic system since it runs in a vertical direction in the body.

Medical research has also shown that increased G-force helps increase Lymphocyte activity. It is the lymphatic system that transports immune cells throughout the body and supports immune function. For this reason, rebounding is often suggested as a detoxifying and immune boosting activity, and since it affects each cell in the body, it can also increase cell energy and mitochondrial function.

Do you want strong bones?

One of the major benefits of rebounding is its benefit to the skeletal system. Just as astronauts lose bone mass in space as a response to the decreased need for strong bones in a zero-gravity environment, weight bearing exercise increases bone mass. Rebounding is especially effective at this since it increases the weight supported by the skeletal system with the increased G-force of jumping.

Here are the benefits of rebounding:

  • Boosts lymphatic drainage and immune function
  • Great for skeletal system and increasing bone mass
  • Helps improve digestion
  • More than twice as effective as running without the extra stress on the ankles and knees
  • Increases endurance on a cellular level by stimulating mitochondrial production (responsible for cell energy)
  • Helps improve balance by stimulating the vestibule in the middle ear
  • Rebounding helps circulate oxygen throughout the body to increase energy.
  • Rebounding is a whole-body exercise that improves muscle tone throughout the body.
  • Some sources claim that the unique motion of rebounding can also help support the thyroid and adrenals.
  • Rebounding is fun!

How to Start Rebounding

Essentially, it is as easy as starting to bounce 2-3 times weekly, building up to daily bouncing if feasible. Lead Naturopath, Aliyyaa recommends rebounding for 5-10 minutes a day, though this can be increased over time. You may include hand weights too if you wish.

Rebounding is a gentle activity and it's best to start with both feet on the rebounder and gently bounce. Gradually build up to jumping, but remember to place your rebounder near a wall or purchase it with a handle, if you need extra support.

There are a lot of different models of rebounders to choose from. The more expensive models are supposed to have better springs to reduce the impact to joints, but most small trampolines will work just as well.

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