Naturopathic Treatments & Consultations

Naturopathic Consultation

naturopathic consultation with patient

An Initial Naturopathic Consultation will focus on identifying the underlying cause(s) of your dis-ease, to ensure a suitable treatment plan that is unique to you, supported by clinical research.

During your time with us we aim to 1. Get to know you better ensuring your voice is heard; 2. Advice you about alternatives to harmful pharmaceutical drugs; 3. Acknowledge and respect your healing process; 4. Identify and remove any underlying cause(s) of illness to ensure an improved quality of life.

Treatment time(s): 30-120 mins

Donations: Start from £75 for 60-mins

Please get in touch to book a face-to-face consultation here

Integrative Oncology Support Consultation

An Integrative oncology support consultation is an in-depth discussion about your cancer diagnosis with our senior naturopath, Aliyyaa.

Aliyyaa understands the latest research in naturopathic medicine and is knowledgeable in integrative oncology and how natural therapies interact, support, and/or potentially interfere with cancer treatments. Realising that no two people are alike and no two cancers are alike, Aliyyaa will help you understand your diagnosis, answer any questions you have about natural therapies, and provide a safe and reliable roadmap for integrating natural treatments, diet and laboratory testing into your cancer plan.

To ensure you have access to the most current technological products and natural protocols in cancer care, we are proud to work with Dr Inui and team in Kyoto, Japan.

Aliyyaa encourages collaboration with your oncologist, however, she also provides stand alone naturopathic oncology support for safe and effective remedies to enhance any cancer treatment plan.

Treatment time: 90 mins

Donations: Start from £120 for 30-mins

Book online for a Zoom consultation from the comfort of your home here alternatively, please get in touch to book a face-to-face consultation here

Sports Therapy

Sports Therapy with our in-house specialist Aaron, includes rehabilitation sessions that aim to bring you back to optimum levels of functionalality, regardless of age and ability. Aaron's specialism is rehabilitation for stroke patients and cerebral palsy.

Other treatments available include Deep Tissue Massage (indicated for pain, muscle tension, tightness and reduced range of movement). Therapeutic Massage (promotes indepth relaxation and wellbeing, as a form of stress management).

“Our patients can be adults or children who are involved in sport or fitness at amateur or professional level, or for rehabilitation purposes specifically for stroke patients”. Aaron Lewis.

Treatment times: 30-90 mins

Donations: Start from £50 for 30-mins

Please get in touch to book your treatment here

Advanced Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

When it comes to treating most health problems, the status of your lymphatic system is critical for improving immunity, draining excess fluid, elimnating toxins, absorbing and distributing fat soluble nutrients.

Presenting condition regularly treated with advanced lymphatic drainage include breast cancer-related lymphoedema (BCRL)(consultant permission needed), Lyme disease, excess weight, cellulite, post-surgery (cosmetic and non-cosmetic) oedema, and pain disorders such as arthritis, bursitis and headaches.  Other lifestyle conditions and diseases that will benefit include bloating, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and digestive disorders.

A gentle and relaxing but potent treatment, we recommend six (6) consecutive treatments to see the full benefit.

Treatment time: 60-90 mins

Donations: Start from £75 for 60-mins (Packages Available)

Please get in touch to book your treatment here